Saturday, May 9, 2009

all up-into-people's-butthole

Fear is black,
It sounds like the wind blowing in the dark,
It smells like fresh blood on a knife,
It tastes like lemonade with no ice,
It looks like a shadow with no head,
Fear is when I am alive and everyone is dead. xx

- i told my brada. xx

i fail to be serious. i took sometime to think about something significant and decent post that i can write to share but no, every file i search in every corner of my head, i cannot find even a tad seriousness. even if there is, when it is delievered through my fingers, it naturally unserious itself. so what the hell, fuck seriousness - until i find one.

thus, while searching through files of seriousness, i found a funny story to share. no i mean, funny story.

so as many well know, i am a coffee slave. no, it has got nothing to do with me enslaved to coffee but it merely means i work. and work here means, i meet with people from all walks of live everyday, too many to describe. but there is one particular regular customer which i wanna talk about. haha. if you are anticipating a nasty customer whom i might hate, no, its too common to share and if you are anticipating for a customer who might have done something personally to me, no too. this customer, i do not know anything nor said anything to him before, except for that i remember his face. and i remember his face is also because of... ... ...the story that i will be sharing.

one fine day, i was making drinks, dilligently. but my attention span did not last very long, and as i was still making drinks, i looked around, around the many customers who were sitting around the lobby. and then, there, just on the perfect position of my limited view, i see, an anene (yes again, gee, whats the deal with anenes lately?) man and a white girl, talking very intimately, over a small rounded table beside the glass window where the morning sun was just beginning to shine in. i was thinking oh, well, what the hell, just two people in deepest of love talking about how deep their love is. i cannot careless. and continue to try to make my drinks dilligently.

but then out of the blue, drama the talking got more intense, the lust heightened. and then they got into a lip to lip peck. and then they both started smooching for a good 10 seconds. and then again. and again. i seriously seriously thought they should go get themselves a room. good lord!

then after a couple of weeks later, i was making a triple tall americano and as i handed it out, oh, it was this man again. after a few hours since i made that drink, my eyes wondered the lobby again, and again, i saw this couple. talking in a very casual manner. but as they were finishing and walked to the car, they gave each other a loong loong embrace. with hands all over each other, top to bottom - top to bottom. still could not get enough of each other, they then started smooching. again. after again. that time, it was not only me who was being the only audience, a few other customers were also watching them - frowning - in disgust, should be.

finally, the girl found the door into the car. and i thought, oh, finally, clear my view, please and thank you. but no. the man leaned in the most awkward posture and to smooch again. then talked. then smooched. i don't wanna repeat myself. but you get the idea.

i know, i am such an up-into-people's-business critic. but then i cannot help it.

i know, maybe i should practice more open-mindedness but seriously though, definately there is a limit to how much lusting one can make in public, very public places. and moreover, it was donw, both times, in front of my very limited viewing range. how coincident can it get, both unfortunately and eye-soaringly.

anyway, thats my story.


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